WYMeditor is a really cool wysiwyg-ish editor — well technically it’s a WYSIWYM  (What You See Is What You Mean).

It just so happens that a gentleman named Benny Degezelle has created an extension for Radiant CMS.

At the time of this writing I’ve installed this bad boy on Radiant CMS 0.7.1.


Assuming that you have an already bootstrapped (aka ‘rake production db:bootstrap’) installation of Radiant CMS you should first clone the extension from GitHub while in your application’s home directory:

me@world:/www/radiant.domain.net$ git clone git://github.com/jomz/radiant-wym-editor-filter-extension.git vendor/extensions/wym_editor_filter

The command above will clone it to /vendor/extensions/wym_editor_filter


Run the Install rake task!

me@world:/www/radiant.domain.net$ rake radiant:extensions:wym_editor_filter:install


Run the Update rake task just to be safe.  You can run this at a later point in time to update, obviously.

me@world-www:/www/radiant.domain.net$ rake radiant:extensions:wym_editor_filter:update

If you are using RailsCollab on Ubuntu and emails are not working, check the config and make sure the path to sendmail is /usr/sbin/sendmail .  This tripped me up because the default path to sendmail is /usr/bin/sendmail and i hardly noticed it was wrong!

Postfix in Ubuntu = /usr/sbin/sendmail